Working together.
Moving forward.
Ending the Crisis.
Addiction Abatement, Inc.

Addiction Abatement, Inc. is a collaborative initiative guided by a multidisciplinary panel of leading experts who provide, critical guidance, first-hand lived experience, innovative strategies and implementation tools to support all essential stakeholders in their efforts to end the opioid and substance use addiction crisis in the U.S.


Working together at ALL levels with ALL stakeholders who want to be part of the solution.


Moving forward with the best practices and expert guidance in the industry as it is released.


Ending a crisis that has plagued individuals, families and communities long enough.

Who We Are

Our work is guided by an independent expert task force that provides current best practices and ongoing multidisciplinary expertise to help inform and support opioid and other substance use abatement efforts led by Federal agencies, State, local and Tribal governments, community stakeholders, and those impacted by opioid settlements. 

The National Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Strategic Advisory Panel (NSUDSAP) and its Workgroups are comprised of leading national experts, individuals with lived experience, and community change agents who are all focused on key priority areas essential to combating the substance use addiction crisis. These include: prevention, treatment, harm reduction, racial and ethnic DEI, the justice system, workplace/employment, the addiction workforce, and recovery.

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Join us on

November 21, 2024


United Efforts to Combat the Opioid Crisis & Save Lives in NYC 

A powerful model for cross-sector partnerships that intersect public health and public safety to reduce overdose deaths and save lives.
In-person & Livestream
New York, NY

Featured Resources

Recent Events

Comprehensive Models to Help Treat Co-Occurring OUD/SUD and Mental Health Disorders
February 6, 2024
Garry P. Smyth, BA, CAS – Chief Operating Officer, Fifth Street Counseling
Katherine Watkins, MD, MSHS – Senior Scientist, RAND Corporation – PPT
Investing in Prevention
November 7, 2023
Kelli Caseman, MA – Executive Director, Think KidsPPT
Linda Richter, PhD – Senior Vice President, Prevention Research and Analysis, Partnership to End AddictionPPT
Nathaniel R. Riggs, PhD – Professor, Human Development and Family Studies; Executive Director, Colorado State University Prevention Research CenterPPT

Past Events

Addiction Abatement, Inc. hosted an exhibit booth at the RX and Illicit Drug Summit, April 10-12, 2023.


“It was a real pleasure to engage with all of you on this [Harm Reduction] panel. I was honored to be a part of the excellent event and look forward to crossing paths again.”

Denise Hien, Ph.D., ABPP (May 17, 2022 – Breaking the Stigma and Ending the Addiction Cycle Panelist)

Vice Provost for Research – New Brunswick Chancellor-Provost’s Office
Director and Helen E. Chaney Professor, Center of Alcohol & Substance Use Studies
Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

“Great job today [May 17, 2022]. I learned a ton! Thanks so much for including us.”

M. Scott Faulkenberry (May 17, 2022 – Breaking the Stigma and Ending the Addiction Cycle Attendee)

SVP / Chief Development Officer
WestCare Foundation

“Really a great event, truly a pleasure to be a part of it.”

Ryan Kaczka (May 17, 2022 – Breaking the Stigma and Ending the Addiction Cycle Panel Moderator)

Stone Street Group

“I was honored to be a part of such a high caliber group of panelists. Ryan [Kaczka] did an awesome job facilitating our discussions as well.”

Malcolm Eade (May 17, 2022 – Breaking the Stigma and Ending the Addiction Cycle Panelist)

CEO and Co-Founder
Spectra Plasmonics (Spectra)

“Thank you for putting together such a great program. There's so much positive movement around improving the crisis, and it's encouraging to see what is being done around the country in different fields.”

Sarah Surber, PhD, JD, MS (May 17, 2022 – Breaking the Stigma and Ending the Addiction Cycle Speaker)

Assistant Professor, Wayne State University
Attorney, Thompson Barney

“The conference held on May 17th in Washington, DC was a one day, comprehensive examination of addiction and mental health disease, challenges related to diverse and equitable response to this deadly disease and the promising innovations and commitment from across the country that provides the hope we all need to continue this work. The organizers were thoughtful in ensuring that a wide range of voices were amplified to allow various perspectives to educate participants. They need to take this show on the road!”

Ann-Marie Foster (May 17, 2022 – Breaking the Stigma and Ending the Addiction Cycle Panelist and NSUDSAP Member)

President & CEO
Phoenix Houses of NY|LI

“The event on Tuesday [May 17th] was completely amazing and, in my case, life-affirming. I cannot overemphasize how important it is to people like myself from rural Appalachia to have our voices raised to a national platform such as this one”...“I had a couple friends register and watched from WV and they were blown away by the quality of the information presented--and many others have asked me for the link so they can watch it. I’m so grateful to have a seat at the table and thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart.”

Jennie Hill (May 17, 2022 – Breaking the Stigma and Ending the Addiction Cycle Panelist & NSUDSAP Member)

Laotong Yoga, Inc.

“THANK YOU for allowing our local Coalition to be included in the event! We had a phenomenal time and made wonderful connections.”

Jeff Hill (January 26, 2023 – Opioid Settlement Abatement Summit Panelist)

Wilson County Substance Prevention Coalition, North Carolina

“It was an honor to participate in such a fantastic day of learning. Particularly because everyone was on the same page about needing to break down silos to treat people with OUD holistically.”

Stefanie K. Davis (January 26, 2023 – Opioid Settlement Abatement Summit Speaker)

Senior Associate General Counsel and Ethics Officer
Office of Legal Affairs
Legal Services Corporation

Resource Library

Are you ready to bring your community together with expert guidance and best practices to move forward and end the opioid and substance use crisis?

If you missed the opportunity to attend one of our recent events or are interested in learning the most current science and replicable model programs to save lives, register to access our Resource Library. Here you will be able to access exclusive event materials, innovative tools and abatement resources all free of charge.

Simply log-in and explore.

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