Breaking the Stigma and Ending the Addiction Cycle​

Critical Steps for States, Counties & Tribes​

Supporting Communities in
their Abatement Efforts

Event: Breaking the Stigma and Ending the Addiction Cycle

Event Focus

  • Guidance and lessons learned to support opioid/substance use abatement efforts; using evidence to guide spending.
  • Critical steps for states, counties, and tribes to develop an equitable, coordinated, and aggressive opioid response plan.
  • Current environment of opioid litigations/settlements and their impact on abatement efforts at the state and local levels.
  • How stigma affects health outcomes within communities and guidance to address the social factors contributing to those health inequities.

May 17, 2022
Georgetown University, Washington, DC

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Event Highlights

Introductory Remarks

Admiral James A. Winnefeld, Former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Founder, SAFE Project.

Opening Keynote Speaker

Policy, Possibilities, and the Road from Here

Regina LaBelle, JD, Director, Addiction & Public Policy Initiative

Distinguished Scholar, O’Neill Institute for National & Global Health Law, Georgetown University Law Center

Director, Master of Science in Addiction Policy and Practice, Georgetown University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Criminal Justice Panel

Reducing the Stigma and Improving Access to Quality SUD Treatment Prior, During and Post-Incarceration

Moderator: Judge Duane Slone, Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial District, TN

  • Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein, PhD, School of Medicine, Social Medicine, UNC Chapel Hill – Topic: JCOIN Research linking justice involved individuals with MOUD through Community Supervision and within the jail system.
  • Kelly Moore, PhD, Crime, Addiction Re-Entry (CARE) Lab, Department of Psychology, East Tennessee State University – Topic: Stigma reduction within the corrections workforce. [not in person]
  • David Scharf, Executive Director, Broward County Sheriff’s Office, Department of Community Programs – Topic: Broward County Opioid Abatement Initiatives.
  • Sue Fox, Director, Outreach Peer Support, Rural Initiatives, Volunteers of America (VOA) Mid-States -Topic: Before and after incarceration, the perspective of a person in recovery

Special Topic Session

Early Interventions for Pre-natal Opioid Exposure & NAS Baby Health

Sarah J. Surber, PhD, JD, Assistant Professor, Wayne State University, Environmental Attorney, Thompson Barney

Defining Harm Reduction Panel

Implementing Effective & Innovative Strategies

Moderator: Ryan Kaczka, Partner, Stone Street Group; Board Member, Rutgers University Center of Alcohol and Substance Use Studies (CAS)

  • Jason Carter, President & Founder, UNCOMN – Topic: Using data-driven measures to save lives by directing opioid abatement funds to communities in most need.
  • Christine Cauffield, PhD, CEO, LSF Health Systems – Topic(s): Family Crisis Coordination; and Project SETS community-based opioid overdose interception program.
  • Malcolm Eade, CEO and Co-founder, Spectra Plasmonics (Spectra) – Topic(s): Data analytics technology to combat the opioid crisis.
  • Denise Hien, PhD, ABPP, Director and Helen E. Chaney Endowed Chair in Alcohol Studies, Center of Alcohol & Substance Use Studies, Rutgers University – Topic: The COR Syndemic: The Overlap of COVID-19, Opioids and Systemic Racism in Healthcare.

Lunch Speaker Session

Tribal Best Practices and Lessons Learned from the Field

Mark LeBeau, PhD, MS, CEO California Rural Indian Health Board (CRIHB).

Utilizing Tribal Best Practices to Overcome Opioid Treatment Barriers in Tribal Communities

Heather Momberg, DNP, RN, Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Coordinator, Toiyabe Indian Health Project (TIHP), Member, Blackfeet Nation in Montana.

Afternoon Keynote Remarks

Racial & Ethnic DEI – Social Factors that Contribute to Health Disparities in Addiction Treatment

Debra Furr-Holden, PhD, Dean-Designate, NYU School of Global Public Health.

Civil Legal Aid Panel

A focus on civil legal issues faced by individuals with substance use disorders and their families and how they are supported through a team approach. 

Moderator: Stefanie Davis, Senior Assistant General Counsel, Office of Legal Aid Affairs, Legal Services Corporation

  • Helen Gratil, Director, Beyond Opioids Project.
  • Mishka Terplan, MD, MPH, FACOG, DFASAM, Medical Director, Friends Research Institute; MSP Staff Physician, University of California-San Francisco.

Workplace/Employment Panel

The important role employers play in helping to address the addiction crisis within the workplace, and how it is being put to action.

Moderator/Panelist: Rachael Cooper, Shatterproof

  • J.J. Bartlett, President, CEO & Founder, Fishing Partnership Support Services – Topic: Dedicated to improving the health, safety, and economic security of commercial fishermen and their families.
  • Donald Kosiak, MD, MBA, FACEP, CPE, Chief Medical Officer, Leidos – Topic: Committed to addressing the opioid epidemic both in the workplace and the broader community.
  • Robert L. Neri, LMHC, MCAP, Senior Vice President and Chief Program/Service Officer, WestCare Foundation – Topic: The innovative approaches created by Treatment agencies to recruit, train and retain their workforce.

Personal Stories & Lived Experience

Turtle on a Fencepost

Stephen Loyd, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Cedar Recovery, Mount Juliet, Tennessee – Topic(s): Combating stigma and providing evidence-based treatment; Personal journey from provider to patient to provider in long-term recovery.

Treatment Panel

Innovative Treatment Approaches Centered on the Continuum of Care

Moderator: Beau A. Nelson, DBH, LCSW, Chief Clinical Officer, FHE Health

  • Ann-Marie K. Foster, MPA, President & CEO, Phoenix Houses NY|LI – Topic: Challenges Facing Urban Drug Treatment Programs.
  • Stephanie Hoskins, Director, Addiction Recovery Services, Volunteers of America (VOA) Mid-States – Topic: Freedom House residential treatment program for pregnant and parenting women with SUD.
  • Annie Peters, PhD, LP, Director of Research & Education, NAATP – Topic(s): FoRSE Project; DEI Best Practices in Addiction Treatment.
  • Stephanie Strong, Founder & CEO, Boulder Care – Topic(s): Telehealth.
  • Beverly Watts Davis, Senior Vice President for Texas Operations, and Chief Officer for Resource Development and Program Support, West Care Foundation – Topic: Breaking the inter-generational cycle of substance use disorders, with emphasis on treatment for women and children.

Special Topic Session

What is the future of addiction treatment science?         

Tyrone Lam, COO,GATC Health

Early Prevention, and Early Intervention Strategies

Interrupting the Pathways to Initiation and Addiction

Moderator: Emily Piper, JD, Vice President, Government and External Affairs, Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

  • Phillip W. Graham, DrPH, MPH, Director, Center for Behavioral Health Epidemiology, Implementation, and Evaluation Research, RTI International – Topic: The Promise and Importance of Looking Upstream.
  • Karen Pershing, MPH, CPS II, Executive Director, Metro Drug Coalition, Knoxville, TN – Topic: Early intervention strategies; TN ACE’s.
  • Teresa Sanchez, Morongo Band of Mission Indians, Tribal Council Member; Riverside San Bernardino County Indian Health, Inc., Board Delegate; California Tribal Families Coalition.
  • Sue Thau, MCRP, Public Policy Consultant, Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) – Topic: Upstream prevention strategies.

Recovery Panel

How can we get to the level where recovery is not just possible, but expected?

Moderator/Panelist: Tiffany Cole Hall, LCSW, LCADC, Chief Operating Officer, Volunteers of America (VOA) Mid-States – Topic: Building a Recovery Eco-system

  • Jennifer Dorsey, NCC, LCPC, LPC, CAC-I, Chief Clinical Officer, Kolmac Outpatient Recovery – Topic: Benefits and challenges of outpatient treatment; and connecting patients to a recovery community.
  • Jennie Hill, Director, Laotong Yoga, Inc. – Topic(s): Healing Communities through Recovery Supports.
  • Jessica Hulsey Nickel, Founder and Executive Director, Addiction Policy Forum – Topic: Understanding the patient journey, from onset and treatment to stable recovery.

Closing Keynote Remarks

Post-Settlement Financial Options for States, Counties and Tribes

Sarah Lieber, Managing Director and Co-Head Litigation Finance Group, Stifel Financial Corp.

Speakers and Panelists

Georgetown University Law Center

Regina LaBelle, JD

Director, Addiction & Public Policy Initiative, O’Neill Institute for National & Global Health Law, Georgetown University Law Center

Former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Admiral James A. Winnefeld

New York University

Debra Furr-Holden, PhD

Incoming Dean, NYU Global School of Public Health

Cedar Recovery

Stephen Loyd, MD

Chief Medical Officer, Cedar Recovery, Mount Juliet, Tennessee

Wayne State University

Sarah J. Surber, PhD, JD

Assistant Professor, Wayne State University, Environmental Attorney, Thompson Barney

GATC Health

V. Tyrone Lam

Chief Operating Officer, GATC Health

Toiyabe Indian Health Project, Inc.

Heather Momberg, DNP, RN

Medication for Addiction Treatment (MAT) Coordinator at Toiyabe Indian Health Project (TIHP), Inc.

California Rural Indian Health Board, Inc.

Mark LeBeau, PhD, MS

Chief Executive Officer, California Rural Indian Health Board, Inc.


Judge Duane Slone

Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial District, TN

University of North Carolina

Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein, PhD

Associate Professor, Social Medicine, University of North Carolina, School of Medicine

Sarah Lieber

Managing Director and Co-Head Litigation Finance Group, Stifel Financial Corp.

Broward County Sheriff's Office

David Scharf

Executive Director, Broward County Sheriff’s Office, Department of Community Programs

Volunteers of America Mid-States

Sue Fox

Director, Outreach Peer Support, Rural Initiatives, Volunteers of America Mid-States


Partner, Stone Street Group

CEO, LSF Health Systems

Christine Cauffield, PsyD

Partner, Stone Street Group

Founder & CEO, UNCOMN

Jason Carter

Rutgers University

Denise Hien, PhD, ABPP

Director and Helen E. Chaney Endowed Chair in Alcohol Studies, Center of Alcohol & Substance Use Studies

CEO and Co-Founder Spectra

Malcolm Eade


Stefanie K. Davis

Senior Assistant General Counsel, Office of Legal Affairs, Legal Services Corporation

Center for Arkansas Legal Services

Helen Gratil

Director, Beyond Opioids Project

Addiction Policy Forum

Jessica Hulsey

Founder & CEO

University of California-San Francisco

Mishka Terplan, MD, MPH, FACOG, DFASAM

Medical Director, Friends Research Institute; MSP Staff Physician, University of California-San Francisco


Beau Nelson, DBH, LCSW

Chief Clinical Officer – FHE Health

Phoenix Houses NY|LI

Ann-Marie Foster

President & CEO, Phoenix Houses NY|LI


Annie Peters, PhD, LP

Director of Research & Education

Volunteers of America Mid-States

Stephanie Hoskins, LCADC, LPCA, CSS

Director, Rural Addiction Recovery Services, Volunteers of America Mid-States

West Care Foundation

Beverly Watts Davis

Senior Vice-President for Texas Operations, and Chief Officer of Resource Development and Program Support, West Care Foundation


Emily Piper, JD

Vice President, Government and External Affairs, Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

RTI International

Phillip Graham, DrPH, MPH

Director, Center for Behavioral Health Epidemiology, Implementation and Evaluation Research

Laotong Yoga

Jennie Hill

Director, Laotong Yoga, Inc.

Metro Drug Coalition

Karen Pershing, MPH, CPS II

Executive Director, Metro Drug Coalition, Knoxville, TN



Chief Clinical Officer & Vice President of Operations

Morongo Band of Mission Indians

Teresa Sanchez

Tribal Council Member at Morongo Band of Mission Indians

Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)

Sue Thau, MCRP

Public Policy Consultant


Rachael Cooper

Senior Director, Stigma, National Stigma Initiative, Shatterproof

Fishing Partnership Support Services

J.J. Bartlett

President, CEO & Founder


Dan Kosiak, MD, MBA, FACEP, CPE

Chief Medical Officer

WestCare Foundation

Robert L. Neri, LMHC, MCAP

Senior Vice President and Chief Program/Service Officer


Tiffany Cole Hall, LCSW, LCADC

Chief Operating Officer, Volunteers of America Mid-States

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